Thursday, July 2, 2009

SMSH Mesyuarat Agung kali ke 3

Mesyuarat Agung Kali ke 3
3rd Staff Meeting

The staff meeting was held in the Main Hall where all teachers were expected to be present to hear the updates and house keeping news that affects all the teachers. Along the way, there were updates with regards to the H1N1 where there was an increase in the number of infected individuals now reaching up to 66 individuals.

The Meeting also touched on the the Teachers quality, Leadership skills and learning quality to be implemented as much as possible to the lessons that are to be conducted. It was stressed by the ministry in fact.

Updates on the SPG (Skim Penilaian Guru) was also explained and further elaborated on the oppurtunities that teachers would gain when they perform well. An astronomical salary scale was stated for those who are in the highest peak of the Education system, as the Pegawai Pendidikan Pakar where the scale is PG 7. It has certain criterias and requirements to achieve this stage and it is quite a motivator to do well in school both academic and non-academic.

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