Monday, July 6, 2009

SMSH First day of School

As the number of H1N1 infected individuals rises, the number of individuals who were cured were also increasing.

Currently, as of publishing - the number of infected is about 200+ where as the number of cured individuals were about 50+

Today, is the first day of school from the extension of Holidays. The school had prepared several strategic points to measure the temperature of the students and giving an information letter from the school to the parents as the parents drive by and drop off their children. The traffic flow was considerable but it did not congest that much. There was a nice flow of cars and buses that are coming in and out.

All is well where students who were taken temperature readings were then given stickers to show that the students are free from the symptoms. Throughout the day, the form teachers were also busy in giving the students each hand sanitizers and wet tissue for daily use to help decrease the risk of contaminated hands when after using the toilet, or when they want to take their break.

There were not much confusions around as everything was planned out nicely. All in a days work. Good Work!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

SMSH Emergency Meeting

*Photoshop Session Cancelled*

There was an emergency meeting yesterday that was held at the School hall. There were alot of questions raised up prior to the meeting. A lot of forecast of was school going to resume or resume its holidays.

The meeting started earlier with the HOD's and the A-Team with the principal and eventually the meeting started at 11.45am.

The meeting was touching on,

The updates of H1N1 and other important information to be shared with the teachers of the school.
1. Students are to continue schooling on Monday.

2. Students, teaching and non-teaching staff will have to get a temperature check everyday where teachers will be taking the readings from 6.15am upto the given time.

3. Hand sanitizers and wet-tissue will be supplied to teachers and classrooms.

4. Aerosal spray will be used in the most congested areas of the school.

5.Students would not be flag waving on HM birthday celebration.

6. All CCA's are to be postponed until further notice. This includes Cadets of uniform practices.

7. Field trips and visits will all be canceled.

8. Travelling is prohibited.

9. Individuals who are quarantined are to be quarantined in the designated areas allocated by the school.

10. Info: To quarantined individuals, a hefty fine of $10 000 and 6 months jail is to be applied for those who disobey the rules of Quarantine.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

SMSH Mesyuarat Agung kali ke 3

Mesyuarat Agung Kali ke 3
3rd Staff Meeting

The staff meeting was held in the Main Hall where all teachers were expected to be present to hear the updates and house keeping news that affects all the teachers. Along the way, there were updates with regards to the H1N1 where there was an increase in the number of infected individuals now reaching up to 66 individuals.

The Meeting also touched on the the Teachers quality, Leadership skills and learning quality to be implemented as much as possible to the lessons that are to be conducted. It was stressed by the ministry in fact.

Updates on the SPG (Skim Penilaian Guru) was also explained and further elaborated on the oppurtunities that teachers would gain when they perform well. An astronomical salary scale was stated for those who are in the highest peak of the Education system, as the Pegawai Pendidikan Pakar where the scale is PG 7. It has certain criterias and requirements to achieve this stage and it is quite a motivator to do well in school both academic and non-academic.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Sharing Session: Moodle

Sharing session of Moodle has been brought forwards to today. This is due to the extension of holiday of the H1N1.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Brunei News: Schools Out for another Week

Latest News:

The school will be out for another week. And students will continue their holidays.
This is again a good step to give enough time for schools to come with a model on how to treat and go with everyday school time and to give further more briefings as necessary with regards to this matter.

More news of this hopefully tomorrow or so. So, stay Tuned.

SMSH: Staff Meeting

There was a Staff Meeting held earlier today. The teachers were grouping together wondering what was happening with the sudden Staff meeting right before the school holiday that is coming to an end. The meeting was touching on the Influenza A (H1N1). There were 20 Cases that were recorded as of Today and this is currently at an alarming state. The YB Pehin had a memorandum to follow up with the teachers with regarding to the attendance of the teachers for the meeting to be adjourned.

Teachers were briefed on the Influenza A (H1N1) what it is and it can cause.

Swine influenza (also called swine flu, hog flu, and pig flu) is an infection of a host animal by any one of several specific types of microscopic organisms called "swine influenza virus".

The talk was further addressed with information of the symptoms of the individual who is infected and steps and precautions that are to be taken with the individuals.

The Sekolah Menengah Sayyidina Hasan had devised a plan and try to accommodate the requirements of steps that the Ministry has given to contain the situation in the school. A H1N1 Committee was created in order to deal with tasks such as
1. Taking temperature shots
2. Applying stickers to Fever Free students
3. Distributing memo to the parents on the situation and what they should do if their child has a flu or cough.
4. Making sure any students who are showing symptoms are to be cleared into the quarantine area which was decided by the school for further actions to be taken.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Moodle Tutorialized

It would be quite a hassle to go through and use Moodle. This is why, we have decided to create,

How to ________ in Moodle
, in the Moodle Tutorialized Section.

It will be updated when required where anyone can ask through the administrator and ask to what ever their hearts may find doubt ^_^... and as an outcome, there would be a Video tutorial or a Text Tutorial written by these Administrators.

Happy Moodling!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

SMSH Blog Up and Running

Sekolah Menengah Sayyidina Hasan has been going all out for Information Communication Technology and this blog is one of many where all the updates on the school events, activities would be recorded.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sharing Session: Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop:

A image editing tool that is used by many designers, web-designers, digital photographers and ..... .... .... teachers?!

Find out more by coming to the Sharing Session.

Sekolah Menengah Sayyidina Hasan
Date: 4th of July 2009
Time: 1.45pm
By: Muhd Sahrudi Iswandi B Hashim

SMSH Sports Day Pictures Upload

Photos from the 15th anniversary Sports day held at Padang Kebajikan can be found here.

Sports Day


As the famous Wikipedia has been running and operating with individuals around the world, writing and editing and creating more wikis.... the SMSH Wiki will also do the same. Starting of from a Small scale.. and dreaming of going to a bigger scale so Schools in Brunei can make use of the Wiki.

SMSH Moodle

A new Moodle was created and is now under construction. The moodle is to be targeted towards Students and Teachers to interact with each other.

Seems like it would be a good Year to start all the Online activities.

SMSH Sports Day 11th June 2009

The schools' awaited Sports day was completed superbly on the 11th of June 2009.

There were so many sporting events that had been played throughout which involves in
Shotput, Discus throw, Triple Jump (Lompat Kijang), Track Fields and many more.

Here are some of the photos from the Event.

More pictures can be found here.

SMSH Blog Up and Running

Sekolah Menengah Sayyidina Hasan has been going all out for Information Communication Technology and this blog is one of many where all the updates on the school events, activities would be recorded.